Best Ways to Look Less Tired
People frequently tell us that they want to look less tired – that the appearance of their eyes makes others think that they are tired or sad or even angry. There is actually scientific evidence that the eyes are one of the first things that people look at, and also spend the most amount of time looking at, when meeting and/or talking with you. Unfortunately aging can negativity impact how our eyes look, which can in turn affect our social interactions. There are a number of changes we see around the eyes with aging:
- Upper eyelid skin drooping
- Eyebrow drooping
- Lower eyelid bag
- Darkening from a sunken area under the eyes or lower eyelid dark circles
- Wrinkles near the corners of the eyes
- Wrinkles between the eyebrows
What are the best ways to make your eyes look less tired?
Fortunately, there are many options to help reverse these changes and get you feeling and looking your best. Both surgical and nonsurgical options can be highly effective depending on your anatomy and goals.
Early crow’s feet and H-wrinkles between the eyebrows respond well to Botox injections, which are simple treatments that can be done without any downtime. There is some suggestion that these medications may even prevent formation or worsening of wrinkles. In appropriate patients, additional office-based skin treatments may also be considered, such as chemical or laser peels. These have a little more down time, but most patients are back to their usual social activities after a week.
Early lower eyelid bags may often be improved without surgery through use of dermal fillers, which lessen the tear trough deformity and give a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Within this area, fillers may last for one year or even longer. Instead of dermal fillers, some patients may wish to use their own fat from elsewhere on their body to treat the tear trough through fat grafting. More pronounced lower eyelid bags do often require surgery to achieve the best results, but this can be done with an outpatient procedure called a lower eyelid blepharoplasty. For patients with droopy eyebrows, a brow lift helps to open the eye and gives a more youthful appearance. Finally, upper eyelid blepharoplasty is perhaps one of the most rejuvenating procedures around the eyes, and can restore a natural youthful appearance to the eyes with a minimally invasive surgery.
Schedule a Consultation
The anatomy of the eyelids and surrounding areas is complex. It is important for your eye surgery to be performed by a surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the eyes and face. Dr. Shannon S. Joseph is a fellowship-trained oculofacial plastic surgeon with extensive experience in eyelid surgery. She is also a board-certified ophthalmologist with keen understanding of the health of the eye and vision. Learn more about why patients choose us. Our practice serves patients in Southeastern Michigan with many patients who are from Troy, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield, Rochester, and the Rochester Hills areas. To learn more about whether this procedure would be appropriate for you, contact us to schedule a consultation.